Vulvovaginal candidiasis (VVC) which is more commonly known as yeast, thrush or fungal vaginal infection, and bacterial vaginosis (BV) are considered recurrent if there are at least four episodes occurring within one year.

There are many people who experience recurrent vaginal infections across the globe and these infections can have severe impacts, causing everything from feelings of shame, physical discomfort, pain and negatively impacting their sex lives.

Studies have shown that recurrence rates of BV are at 15-30% within the first 3 months1 and at more than 50% within a year after a person takes the oral antibiotic metronidazole treatment2. BV relapses occurred for around 44% of the patients followed up 24 months even after more aggressive initial antibiotic treatment3.

Yeast infections (VVC/ thrush) will affect 75% of women at some point in their life. Half of the women that get pharmaceutical treatment for VVC (yeast infections) will experience the infection again, and 9% globally will experience the condition recurrently4. That’s nearly one in 10 women.

If this is you, and you are overwhelmingly frustrated by the impacts on your life and relationships, know you are not alone.

In this article we cover

  • Why do vaginal infections, yeast (VVC, thrush) or bacterial vaginosis, keep coming back? 
  • What are the treatment options for recurrent vaginal infections?
  • How can you avoid recurrent vaginal infections in future?

1. Why do vaginal infections keep coming back?

You’re doing all the right things, you’ve been to the GP, taken your antibiotic or anti-fungal treatment, yet the infection keeps recurring. Why?

There are several possible reasons why vaginal infections keep coming back. 

1. Recurrent vaginal infections can be due to inadequate treatment. This could include: 
  • Resistance of bacterial or fungal organisms to therapy. Unfortunately, bad bugs get smarter to survive. Repeated use of antibiotic or antifungal therapy may no longer kill the pathogens. The type of pathogen can also be less susceptible to prescription treatment. For example, certain Atopobium vaginae bacterial strains have shown a high-level of resistance to metronidazole treatment5.
  • Creation of a biofilm on the vaginal wall. Bad bacteria have the ability to create a biofilm layer which adheres to the cells of the vaginal wall, preventing the treatment from reaching the pathogens. So, the biofilm acts as a reservoir of bacteria and protects them from the effect of an antibiotic. One study took 18 BV patients treated with oral metronidazole for 1 week, and followed them up to 5 weeks after treatment. Even though all patients initially recovered, after the treatment dense and active bacterial biofilms were invariably re-emerging. These biofilms consisted predominantly of the main BV bacteria: Gardnerella vaginalis and Atopobium vaginae6.
  • Incorrect use of treatment. Patients missing treatment doses of antibotics for vaginal or urinary infections may lead to bacterial resistance to the treatment.

    2. Certain lifestyle choices represent higher risks for recurrent vaginal infections. Although we advise you of the research in this space, we believe in empowering women to live the life they want in a shame-free way. You do what feels good and right for you.

    • Sex. BV relapses are significantly correlated with new sexual contacts. A 6-year follow up study was conducted on 44 women treated for bacterial vaginosis. Half of those patients were free of BV while the other half had relapses. The group that had relapses had more new sexual partners than the group that didn’t have relapses7.
      In a separate study following up 121 patients treated for BV for 12 months it was found that those with a regular sex partner (male and female) had a higher recurrence rate of BV and abnormal vaginal flora. This study suggested that women without a regular partner were more likely to use condoms (more than 50% of the time) which may protect them being re-infected by a regular partner. The highest cure was among women who abstained from having sex or consistently used condoms during treatment8.
    • The Pill. Even though a lot of research studies showed that hormonal influence is not significant in BV recurrence, there still is some evidence that estrogen-containing contraceptives may modify the effectiveness of BV treatment9.

      2. How can recurrent vaginal infections be treated?  

      Antibiotics for recurrent BV treatment

      Prescription treatment for recurrent BV consists of an extended course of antibiotics including metronidazole treatment (500 mg twice daily for 10-14 days). If ineffective, metronidazole vaginal gel 0.75% is applied for 10 days, followed by two times per week for 3-6 months. Clindamycin and tinidazole are used in the treatment of recurrent BV mostly on patients that have an infection resistant to metronidazole treatment.

      Secnidazole is another treatment option, convenient due to one-time dosing10. It also has a broad spectrum of activity against anaerobic microorganisms and stays longer in the circulation than metronidazole.

      Antifungal treatment for recurrent fungal infections

      Prescription treatment for recurrent fungal infections is either clotrimazole 500 mg vaginally, or fluconazole 150 mg orally.

      Vaginally applied nystatin seems to be helpful especially for the treatment of fluconazole resistant and non-Candida albicans species. Maintenance dose found in the literature is fluconazole 200 mg once a month for a year. The issue with long-term use of fluconazole is its safety risks, which include liver toxicity, drug interactions, and pregnancy warnings11.

      3. How can vaginal microbiome and vaginal health be boosted? 

      The good news is that there are clinically proven ways to boost healthy vaginal microbiome

      Most clinical studies support probiotics in the maintenance of vaginal health, and no adverse effects have been reported. In a nutshell, probiotics can help the healthy bacteria in the vaginal microbiome recover, producing healthy lactic acid and restoring stable colonies that will support vaginal health. 

      Check out what you should look for in your vaginal probiotic in our article on how to find the best vaginal probiotic for you.

      However, we have summarised the data for you below. It gets a bit technical but if you can persist it’s worth it:

      • According to a review12 of published randomised controlled trials over a period of more than 20 years, the use of Lactobacillus rhamnosus, GR-1® and Lactobacillus reuteri, RC-14® at a dose of at least 108 CFU/day for 2 months has been shown to ”normalize the vaginal flora".  
      • It was also found that vaginally applied probiotic species L. rhamnosus once a week over 6 months had significantly higher rate of vaginal microbiome recovery at both 6 months and 12 month follow up point13.
      • Another study showed that women applying probiotic strains Lactobacillus rhamnosus, GR-1® and Lactobacillus reuteri, RC-14® had significantly healthier microbiome (40%) than those that did not apply the probiotic (18%)14.

      So, how do probiotics work to help? 

      • Recolonising the vagina with healthy bacteria and restoring a healthy vaginal microbiome. A well formulated vaginal probiotic will boost healthy bacteria. Sounds good in theory, however, there have been a great deal of failures in this department. Some scientists attempted to do so but good bugs failed to recolonize vagina, simply because they were using wrong Lactobacillus strains. A simple application of probiotic species orally or intravaginally is not good enough to restore a healthy flora balance because not all Lactobacillus species have the same adherence abilities. This means that there was no ability for the good bugs to grow, thrive and stick around and "hold the fort".
        It was found that Lactobacillus crispatus, which is also known as the ‘super hero of the vagina’ colonized for over 8 months in 8x more female subjects compared with other Lactobacillus species (40% vs 5%)15. This demonstrates that L. crispatus has superior adherence abilities compared with other good bugs.
      • Anti-biofilm properties. Biofilm is a matrix made by bacteria themselves. Think of it like a protective layer which surrounds and encloses clusters of bacteria and attaches itself to a body surface. Bad bugs are known to form biofilms in order to protect themselves from the adverse environmental conditions. Certain probiotics have the ability to disrupt bad bugs’ biofilm formations and expose bacteria to the influence of antimicrobial agents. It was found, in a laboratory experiment that healthy bacteria strains Lactobacillus rhamnosus, GR-1® and Lactobacillus reuteri, RC-14® have the ability to penetrate into the biofilms created by Gardnerella vaginalis and Atopobium vaginae and cause disruption of the biofilm16.
      • Lactic acid and other antimicrobial agent secretion. Lactic acid is a naturally occurring acid that helps keep the vaginal microbiome healthy. Healthy Lactobacillus species secrete lactic acid. Certain L. crispatus and L. gasseri strains also have the remarkable ability to produce and release antibiotic-like compounds17.

      There are also ways to make lifestyle changes to help avoid contact with bad bacteria that you can implement, like using condoms, avoiding douching and, if prescribed them, using the full course of antibiotics your doctor has prescribed even after symptoms have diminished. Plus if you have a regular partner, and you’re prone to reinfection, they may need to be treated at the same time as you.

      If you are experiencing symptoms, go to your medical professional and get tested before self-medication.

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      See list of references used on this page

      1  Wilson J. Managing recurrent bacterial vaginosis. Sexually Transmitted Infections 2004;80:8-11.

      2 Bradshaw CS, Tabrizi SN, Fairley CK, Morton AN, Rudland E, Garland SM. The association of Atopobium vaginae and Gardnerella vaginalis with bacterial vaginosis and recurrence after oral metronidazole therapy. J Infect Dis. 2006 Sep 15;194(6):828-36.

      3 Larsson PG, Brandsborg E, Forsum U, Pendharkar S, Andersen KK, Nasic S, Hammarström L, Marcotte H. Extended antimicrobial treatment of bacterial vaginosis combined with human lactobacilli to find the best treatment and minimize the risk of relapses. BMC Infect Dis. 2011 Aug 19;11:223.

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